Statement of West Coast Swing Identity – FAQ
Every form of Social Dance has an Identity, a recognizable Rhythm Patten. West Coast Swing (WCS) is a form of Swing Dance. It is an American Rhythm Dance. Its Rhythm Pattern is primarily identified as Double, Triple, Triple (6 count) and Double, Triple, Double, Triple (8 count). It has 3 primary unique characteristics different from other Swing Dances. West Coast Swing is inherently interpretative with artistic and creative freedom within its form and foundation, a reason we love it so much. “West Coast Swing is more than sum of its parts and not to be separated from its “whole”
Primary Identifiable Characteristics
- Danced in Slot – The slot is shared and controlled.
- Follower travels forward on counts 1 and 2 of the pattern vs. rock steps.
- Anchor – All WCS Swing Patterns end with a 2 beat Anchor; an “away” center to center connection that is felt.
The “Bigger” West Coast Swing Identity Picture (Includes Primary Characteristics)
- Slot
- Anchor
- Follower Walks Forward on counts 1-2 of the pattern.
- Stretches on the &a immediately following the anchor giving the leader the ability to begin a new pattern.
- Uses Resistance, Compression, Leverage, and Connection
- Built on 6 and 8 count rhythm patterns – passes, push breaks, whips; open to closed, and closed to open position patterns. Advancing these root patterns with spins and turns, rhythm variations, and style variations.
- Incorporates 2 and 4 beat pattern extensions to phrase music and/or to interpret choreography.
- Comprised of 2-beat rhythm units, doubles and triples at a basic level. Incorporates all 2- beat rhythm units; singles, doubles, triples, delays, holds, and syncopated rhythm units.
West Coast Swing Musical Identity
- Danced to 4/4 Time Music
- Pulses the Upbeat (2,4,6,8)
- Is best expressed when using music that compliments and encourages the dancer to express their “physical” WCS movement, rhythms, and timing in harmony with the music and with their partner.
- WCS is not specific to one type of music or speed. Typically, Blues, Pop, R&B, Swing are all common genres. Fast and Slow tempos can be difficult to execute WCS and requires expertise.
- An expert WCS dancer can dance with the music off and make you hear music by using “Rolling Count” movement. &a1&a2, &a3&4 and so on.
- WCS is NOT “best” expressed to a Samba beat which pulses the downbeat. Nor music that is better suited for other social dances, Samba, Rumba, Cha Cha, Salsa, Nite-club 2 Step, and Zouk. Most dancers do not dance WCS well within these genres. Are there “certain” songs that work? Yes. Understanding other types of social dances and their basic rhythm pattern and music is important.
- MUSIC MATTERS – In any music genre it can be “song specific” that makes it appropriate for WCS. Just because it is Swing Music, does not mean it’s good to WCS too. The question might be, “Is this song better for another social dance?”
This article is a living document and updated often. Should you have questions or need clarification, please contact me through Facebook IM.
Author ©Sharlot Bott 2017 – update June 2019 – Update July 2019 – Update Dec 2021