Sharlot Bott

Statement of West Coast Swing Identity – FAQ

Every form of Social Dance has an Identity, a recognizable Rhythm Patten.  West Coast Swing (WCS) is a form of Swing Dance. It is an American Rhythm Dance. Its Rhythm Pattern is primarily identified as Double, Triple, Triple (6 count) and Double, Triple, Double, Triple (8 count). It has 3 primary unique characteristics different from other Swing Dances. West Coast Swing is inherently interpretative with artistic and creative freedom within its form and foundation, a reason we love it so much. “West Coast Swing is more than sum of its parts and not to be separated from its “whole” 

Primary Identifiable Characteristics

  1. Danced in Slot – The slot is shared and controlled.
  2. Follower travels forward on counts 1 and 2 of the pattern vs. rock steps.
  3. Anchor – All WCS Swing Patterns end with a 2 beat Anchor; an “away” center to center connection that is felt. 


The “Bigger” West Coast Swing Identity Picture (Includes Primary Characteristics)


West Coast Swing Musical Identity

This article is a living document and updated often. Should you have questions or need clarification, please contact me through Facebook IM. 

Author ©Sharlot Bott 2017 – update June 2019 – Update July 2019 – Update Dec 2021